The last 6 pictured below: Charles Butler, Price Chatham, Joseph McDonald, Joy Reagon, Kenneth Shilman and Ruby Doris Smith.

"If you think free, you are free." -Ruby Doris Smith-Robinson"
“The [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)] office would not have run except for her (Ruby); and then the field would not have survived,” -Worth Long, a SNCC community organizer (SNCC Digital Gateway)
The woman jailed next to the [Parchman Prison] gas chamber, [Freedom Rider] Dr. Pauline Knight-Ofusu, watched as Ruby Doris was “dragged barefooted down a concrete hallway to be thrown into a shower and scrubbed with a wire brush. Post traumatic syndrome is a given for every Freedom Rider,” she said. Traumatized, but still not broken. After 45 days in Parchman, Ruby Doris went right back to disrupting the way only she could. -The American Blackstory
“Have integration will shop, have segregation will not,” she’d chant outside of shops and grocery stores, even if no one else protested with her. -The American Blackstory